
Design for my T-shirt game

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Game Design for my T-shirt

Description: Design for my T-shirt

Do you like to be unique and original? To do this, you need something to stand out. For example, the original design of your clothes. In this game you can come up with any T-shirt design. Just in 1 minute you will have a perfect example according to which you can decorate your wardrobe and surprise your friends with your talent for design my t-short.
How to play: Use Mouse to select tabs on the right side of the screen to see what you can apply for your favorite T-shirt . Here you can specify the type, color, pattern, select jewelry, belt it and choose beads ! To be completely accurate, you can even change the color of the skin! Now you won’t make any mistake!
Played: 66348. Added: 16-05-2014, 06:36.
Play other games from this developer: Categories: Decorating
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