
Cupcakes lover game

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Game Cupcakes lover

Description: Cupcakes lover

What time of year do you like most? What is your favorite color? These and many other different questions can help you to learn something new about yourself. This game for girls will raise the veil of secrecy of your character. Answer the questions from this game, you'll be able to know what cupcakes will taste the best for you.
How to play the game "Cupcakes lover":
It's very simple. Start the game and answer the test questions. Of course, knowingthe answer, why not to try cookingcupcake of your favorite flavor. To do this, at the end of the test, you can click on the button "Recipes" and learn how to cook such a tasty food on your own.
Played: 43704. Added: 22-11-2011, 19:21.. Categories: Quizzes
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