
Clawdeen Wolf the superhero game

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Game Clawdeen Wolf the superhero

Description: Clawdeen Wolf the superhero

You probably know the name of this girl! This is Clawdeen Wolf. She is known for her strength and diligence in her studies. And at night she turns into a superhero Wolf the defender of justice. And God forbid the villain should meet on her way! She will teach him a lesson and the villain will no longer ever think about bad deeds!
In this Clawdeen wolf superhero dress up game you will be able to choose a new costume for Clawdeen Wolf. What do you think which suit is the best for Clawdeen to appear at night as a Wolf superhero?
Played: 72576. Added: 15-07-2014, 21:43.
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Game screenshots:

  • Clawdeen Wolf like a superhero.
    Clawdeen Wolf like a superhero.