
Barbie's daughter is gardening game

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Game Barbie's daughter is gardening

Description: Barbie's daughter is gardening

Barbie's daughter loves to take care of flowers in front of their house. She would like to make their house the most beautiful in the neibourhood. Everyone who passes by would admire the beauty of the plants that grow in front of their house. In this game you can help her to take care of the flowers and to make her dream come true. First you need to go with her to the store and choose the tools needed for the gardening. These are hose, buckets, rakes, sprinkle, fertilizers, and so on. Help her to choose these products from the shelves and put them into the basket. After that, go to the section of the store, where you can choose the right seeds. By the way, mother bought a great pink bag for her daughter. You should put all that you buy for the girl in the store. Then you can go home and pick together a good outfit for gardening. It should be comfortable and beautiful dresses, pants and shirts.
Girl is an excellent student and it is enough to give her a clue how to plant and water the plants. If you do everything correctly, beautiful flowers that will delight you and Baby Barbie will soon grow from the seeds.
Played: 55107. Added: 14-04-2015, 21:45.
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Game screenshots:

  • Baby Barbie learns Gardering game.
    Baby Barbie learns Gardering game.
  • Baby buys tools in the shop.
    Baby buys tools in the shop.
  • Baby Barbie collects tools for working in the garden.
    Baby Barbie collects tools for working in the garden.